Reverse Auction – Debris Truck with unpriced proposals and Reverse Auction

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  • Bid amount to be entered below and results table shown is for the purchase of ONE single complete unit. 
  • Please submit bids in even dollar amounts, without cents.
  • Maximum Starting Bid $165,000.00

NOTES From last auction

Do a salt shaker about 30 minutes before auction starts to ensure page load is in effect (Refresh) and times are not way off on bid times.   be sure and cut the refresh on. (this is on plugin header footer code manager.

any bid within 5 minutes requires you to manually reset clock

sql to view bids is

SELECT * FROM `bidnowso_wp542`.`wpjg_postmeta` pm WHERE

pm.meta_key in (‘ _vfb_field-200’, ‘_vfb_field-208’, ‘_vfb_field-182’, ‘_vfb_field-188’) — or pm.post_id = ‘247643’
and post_id > 247714
order by pm.post_id DESC


Header Footer Code Manager

The Reverse Auction Begins in


The Reverse Auction Ends in


** Any Bid within 5 minutes of the end of the auction will automatically extend the auction for an additional 5 minutes.

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Results Below are not real time. Results updated every 5 Minutes. The Lowest Net Cost Bid will be at the top of this list.  Any Bid coming in within 5 minutes of end of Bidding will result in extending the bidding by an additional 5 minutes. Note:  This page will auto refresh every 90 seconds.

[supsystic-tables id='1']

The following entries have been submitted. These entries are Real Time.

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Although a tie final result is not anticipated, if a tie occurs, delivery time will be the deciding factor in award, based upon the time in proposal. If time given is a range, high end will be used as the factor.

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